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Wilco CircleCI

CircleCI: Continuous Integration and Delivery

The Partner

CircleCI: Continuous Integration and Delivery

CircleCI is a continuous integration and continuous delivery platform that can be used to implement DevOps practices. The world’s best software teams rely on CircleCI to accelerate their engineering velocity, confidently and at scale.

  • 3M Active Jobs per day
    8000%increase in platform usage since 2011
    650 Employees Worldwide


Create a valuable Demo

CircleCI’s target persona is an engineering manager, for whom the company provides a way to integrate CI/CD into their workflow. The decision to implement a CI/CD platform is a major one, so the evaluation of the product and its capabilities is crucial.

CircleCI was looking for a way to rely not only on hands-off demos and free accounts but integrate a value-first, hands-on demonstration tool. 

The Solution

Building a quest with wilco

Using an easy, fully-customizable Wilco challenge builder, CircleCI quests simulated several hands-on scenarios that show problem-solving using the platform. As the scenarios can be completed using Codespaces, they require no installation and can be accessed from any web browser. 

The scenarios are:

CircleCI Configure: This scenario guides users through the process of using CircleCI to solve problems in their development workflows. It shows the user how to configure CircleCI to streamline their workflows and improve the quality of their code.

CircleCI Lint:In this scenario, a user learns how to use CircleCI to lint their code in an automatic way. They learn how to add a linting task to CircleCI, streamline their development process, and ensure the code adheres to the established style guidelines.

The Results

A Successful Partnership

Using Wilco’s virtual lab platform, CircleCI was able to solve several challenges both in the sales cycle and the client onboarding phase. By creating engaging, hands-on experiences that showcased CircleCI’s platform value through realistic, lifelike examples, the company:

Sales Saw greater conference engagement when booth visitors experienced CircleCI using self-guided, value-driven exploration scenarios.

Marketing Tracked higher marketing sequence success rates when sending CircleCI Wilco quests as a follow-up to sales engagements.

Customer Success Reduced onboarding time and CS involvement for clients by imparting the right workflows and demonstrating value scenarios using quests.

“With Wilco, developers see clearly how CircleCI can solve real-world engineering challenges, in a way that just can’t be communicated through a standard tutorial.

Whether while up-skilling themselves, onboarding to a new team or during continuous on-the-job training, we’re excited for developers to engage with CircleCI within Wilco quests.”
Tom TrahanVP Business Development
Circle CI

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